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See broadcasts for Other Australian ChannelsThe Lifestyle Channel: Deadline Design With Shaynna Blaze: Blackburn (S1, Ep1)

Last updated 18 November 2018
The Lifestyle Channel: Deadline Design With Shaynna Blaze: Blackburn
Broadcast: Saturday 1st December 2018
12:15pm-1:20pm AEDT (01:15 GMT) < > « »
Other Australian Channels (adverts during broadcast)

Debbie and Peter are empty nesters keen to turn their upmarket family home into a luxurious haven reflecting their changing needs into the future. Their generous $350,000 budget may sound like plenty but hopes are high for an upmarket European look and they're expect top quality all the way. With their joint 50th birthdays looming, Shaynna's design includes, opening the kitchen/living room up to the back garden, converting the master bedroom into a full deluxe hotel suite with its own private living room and brightening a rather dark entry hall. Yas's special project is a new theatre upstairs and it involves Dr Who. Budget reaches $500,000 thanks to the expensive new indoor/outdoor area.

Synopsis Source: Foxtel TV Listings
Broadcast Source: Foxtel