This Week in Australia
Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart (Season 1, Episode 4)
Last updated 30 September 2018
Broadcast: Saturday 27th October 2018
7:30pm-8:30pm AEDT (08:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins, Katherine Kelly, Vivian Oparah, Jordan Renzo, Con O'Neil, Pooky Quesnel
Synopsis Source: Syfy
7:30pm-8:30pm AEDT (08:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins, Katherine Kelly, Vivian Oparah, Jordan Renzo, Con O'Neil, Pooky Quesnel
April starts to feel the effects of sharing her heart with Corakinus. His attempts to sever the attachment only make it stronger.
Synopsis Source: Syfy
Broadcast Source: SyFy