This Week in USA

W Hartnell Movies: The Chase (Part 2 of 2)
(incorporating: The Death of Doctor Who / The Planet of Decision)
Last updated 03 June 2018
Broadcast: Sunday 3rd June 2018
12:31am-1:29am MDT (06:31 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: William Hartnell, Jacqueline Hill, Maureen O'Brien, William Russell
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
12:31am-1:29am MDT (06:31 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: William Hartnell, Jacqueline Hill, Maureen O'Brien, William Russell
Using a Time/Space Visualiser taken from the Moroks' space museum, the Doctor, Barbara, Ian and Vicki discover the Daleks have built a space/time vehicle and are in pursuit.
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: Idaho Public Television