This Week in Miscellaneous Channels

Classic Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor (part three)
(incorporating: Twitch Presents Doctor Who (2018) / Ghost Light: Part One / Ghost Light: Part Two / Ghost Light: Part Three / The Curse of Fenric: Part One / The Curse of Fenric: Part Two / The Curse of Fenric: Part Three / The Curse of Fenric: Part Four / Survival: Part One / Survival: Part Two / Survival: Part Three)
Last updated 24 July 2018
Broadcast: Monday 23rd July 2018
9:02pm-4:04am EDT (01:02 GMT) < > « »

Synopsis Source: Twitch
Broadcast notes:
US time 18:02 PDT. Schedule was amended to include Ghost Light, originally planned for the evening before but moved to help spread the stories across the days. The run was followed by a 10 minute montage of Doctor clips (but not Colin Baker!)
9:02pm-4:04am EDT (01:02 GMT) < > « »

The classic Doctor Who stream on Twitch. Follow the adventures of the Time Lord from Gallifrey with more than 500 episodes of the sci-fi cult classic TV series.
Synopsis Source: Twitch
Broadcast notes:
US time 18:02 PDT. Schedule was amended to include Ghost Light, originally planned for the evening before but moved to help spread the stories across the days. The run was followed by a 10 minute montage of Doctor clips (but not Colin Baker!)
Broadcast Source: Twitch