This Week in United Kingdom

Forest of the Dead (Series 35 | Episode 9)
Last updated 16 May 2018
Broadcast: Wednesday 16th May 2018
6:10am-7:00am BST (05:10 GMT) < > « »
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Featuring: David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon
Synopsis Source: UKTV website episode listing
6:10am-7:00am BST (05:10 GMT) < > « »
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Featuring: David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon
Another adventure with David Tennant's Time Lord. As the shadows rise, the Doctor forges an alliance with River Song. But who can stop the Vashta Nerada?
Synopsis Source: UKTV website episode listing
Broadcast Source: UKTV (UK)