This Week in USA

Tom Baker Movies: Nightmare of Eden
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four)
Last updated 06 May 2018
9:00pm-10:30pm AKDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
Alaska Public Television/KAKM

Featuring: Tom Baker, David Brierley, Lalla Ward, Geoffrey Bateman, Jennifer Lonsdale
The Doctor and Romana uncover a drug-smuggling operation and set out to find the source of Zip, the most dangerous drug in the universe. Lalla Ward. Rigg: David Daker. Della: Jennifer Lonsdale. Tryst: Lewis Fiander.
Synopsis Source: PBS TVSS Schedule
Broadcast notes:
This was also scheduled for the previous week. Schedules didn't indicate whether it was pre-empted or not.
Broadcast Source: Alaska Public Television schedules