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This Week in Brazil

See broadcasts for SyFy (Brazil)Os Devoradores De Luz

Last updated 12 April 2018
Os Devoradores De Luz
Broadcast: Thursday 12th April 2018
11:40am-12:30pm -03 (14:40 GMT) < > « »
Presented in Portuguese
SyFy (Brazil)
Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Matt Lucas, Pearl Mackie, Michelle Gomez

A long time ago, the ninth legion of the Roman army vanished into the mists of Scotland. Bill has a theory about what happened, and the Doctor has a time machine. But when they arrive in ancient Aberdeenshire, what they find is a far greater threat than any army. In a cairn, on a hillside, is a doorway leading to the end of the world…
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: SyFy