This Week in United Kingdom
Mastermind: 2004 Episode 2
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Tuesday 22nd June 2004
9:00pm-9:30pm BST (20:00 GMT) < > « » < > « »
Featuring: John Humphrys
The black chair beckons another four contestants as John Humphrys fires questions on the life and times of president Warren G Harding, the Test career of Geoffrey Boycott, the series Doctor Who and the novels of Tom Sharpe.
9:00pm-9:30pm BST (20:00 GMT) < > « » < > « »
Featuring: John Humphrys
The black chair beckons another four contestants as John Humphrys fires questions on the life and times of president Warren G Harding, the Test career of Geoffrey Boycott, the series Doctor Who and the novels of Tom Sharpe.
Broadcast Source: BBC