This Week in Australia
The Unquiet Dead (Season 1, Episode 3)
Last updated 17 February 2018
Broadcast: Sunday 18th February 2018
12:30am-1:30am AEDT (13:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Simon Callow, Alan David, Eve Myles
Synopsis Source: Syfy
12:30am-1:30am AEDT (13:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Simon Callow, Alan David, Eve Myles
The Doctor takes Rose back through time to Wales, Christmas 1869. In Victorian Cardiff, the dead are walking and creatures made of gas are on the loose.
Synopsis Source: Syfy
Broadcast Source: SyFy