This Week in USA

Tom Baker Movies: Genesis of the Daleks - Part 1 of 2 (#4105)
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three)
Last updated 22 July 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 22nd July 2017
10:30pm-11:38pm CDT (03:30 GMT) < > « »
Iowa Public TV

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Peter Miles, Michael Wisher
Synopsis Source: IPTV website TV listing
10:30pm-11:38pm CDT (03:30 GMT) < > « »
Iowa Public TV

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Peter Miles, Michael Wisher
The Time Lords intercept the transmat beam taking the Doctor, Sarah and Harry back to Nerva and deposit them instead on the planet Skaro at an early point in its history. There a Time Lord gives the Doctor both a mission to prevent or alter the Daleks' development so that they become less of a threat to...
Synopsis Source: IPTV website TV listing
Broadcast Source: IPTV