This Week in USA
Peter Davison Movies: Castrovalva (#5120)
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four)
Last updated 12 June 2017
Broadcast: Monday 12th June 2017
12:00am-2:00am CDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Anthony Ainley
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
12:00am-2:00am CDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Anthony Ainley
The Doctor tries to recuperate within the Zero Room, leaving Nyssa, Adric and Tegan to face the Master. Then Adric is taken and the TARDIS plunges towards Event One...
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
KERA have this listed, but this was also listed for the previous week too, so isn't clear if it is the right episode as yet.
Broadcast Source: KERA