This Week in Brazil
Antes Da Inundação
Last updated 16 April 2017
Broadcast: Sunday 16th April 2017
12:00pm-12:50pm -03 (15:00 GMT) < > « »
Presented with Portuguese subtitles
SyFy (Brazil)
Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Morven Christie, Paul Kaye, Sophie Stone
Synopsis Source: Syfy website schedule listings
12:00pm-12:50pm -03 (15:00 GMT) < > « »
Presented with Portuguese subtitles
SyFy (Brazil)
Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Morven Christie, Paul Kaye, Sophie Stone
O Doutor viaja para 1980 com Bennett e O'Donnell para tentar impedir o Fisher King de mandar uma mensagem.
Synopsis Source: Syfy website schedule listings
Broadcast Source: SyFy