This Week in USA

Last updated 13 January 2025
5:46am-6:00am PDT (12:46 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Phil Collinson, Russell T Davies, Mark Gatiss, Graeme Harper, Billie Piper, David Tennant
This episode goes behind the scenes of Doomsday
Going behind the scenes of Doctor Who. Wrapping up the series with a look back, as Rose and the Doctor have been pitted against the best and the worst the universe has to offer - from Clockwork Droids to Krillitanes and from Werewolves to the Wire.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 27th June 2009:
KTEH/KQED.DT2/KQET.DT2 54.1, 9.2, 25.2 San Jose/San Francisco/Monterey, CA
San Francisco DirecTV 54,903
San Francisco Dish 54,8234
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Sunday 11PM, Sunday 5AM PDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 (new day and time)
Saturday 11:46PM, Sunday 5:46AM PDT DWC 2-13 Finale
5 July 11PM, 6 July 5AM PDT 2-01 New Earth (start of 4th/final Cycle)
5 July 11:45PM, 6 July 5:45AM PDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor
12 July 11PM, 13 July 5AM PDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
12 July 11:47PM, 13 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor
19 July 11PM, 20 July 5AM PDT 2-03 School Reunion
19 July 11:47PM, 20 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
26 July 11PM, 27 July 5AM PDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
26 July 11:47PM, 27 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen
2 and 3 August - pre-empted by pledge drives
Visit their blog site linked above for information on their YouTube competition and the grand prize of hosting a Doctor Who marathon!!! There are 9 entries available for the public to see (6 of them eligible for voting). The winner gets to plan a 4 episode Doctor Who marathon (new series episodes), filming a 5 minute introduction to each episode explaining why it is there. Now KTEH - where is Series 3?
KTEH/KQED.DT2/KQET.DT2 54.1, 9.2, 25.2 San Jose/San Francisco/Monterey, CA
San Francisco DirecTV 54,903
San Francisco Dish 54,8234
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Sunday 11PM, Sunday 5AM PDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 (new day and time)
Saturday 11:46PM, Sunday 5:46AM PDT DWC 2-13 Finale
5 July 11PM, 6 July 5AM PDT 2-01 New Earth (start of 4th/final Cycle)
5 July 11:45PM, 6 July 5:45AM PDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor
12 July 11PM, 13 July 5AM PDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
12 July 11:47PM, 13 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor
19 July 11PM, 20 July 5AM PDT 2-03 School Reunion
19 July 11:47PM, 20 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
26 July 11PM, 27 July 5AM PDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
26 July 11:47PM, 27 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen
2 and 3 August - pre-empted by pledge drives
Visit their blog site linked above for information on their YouTube competition and the grand prize of hosting a Doctor Who marathon!!! There are 9 entries available for the public to see (6 of them eligible for voting). The winner gets to plan a 4 episode Doctor Who marathon (new series episodes), filming a 5 minute introduction to each episode explaining why it is there. Now KTEH - where is Series 3?