This Week in USA

KTEH Specials: A Conversation with Terry Nation
Last updated 13 January 2025
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 22nd November 2008:
KTEH/KQED-DT.2/KQET-DT.2 San Jose/San Francisco/Monterey, CA
analog 54 digital .1 KQED digital .2 KQET digital .2
San Francisco DirecTV 54,903
San Francisco Dish 54,8234
Series 2 - 2nd Cycle:
Sunday 5:47PM PST DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
Monday 8:47PM and 2:47AM PST 1-08 Father's Day (actually Time Trouble)
Friday 10:30PM and 4:30AM PST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
Friday 11:30PM and 5:30AM PST KTEH Interview With Terry Nation
1 December 10:45PM, 5 December 11:45PM PST DWC ""
5 December 11PM PST "episode unknown"
KTEH has the right to air Series 1 for one more cycle before February 28, 2009.
KTEH/KQED-DT.2/KQET-DT.2 San Jose/San Francisco/Monterey, CA
analog 54 digital .1 KQED digital .2 KQET digital .2
San Francisco DirecTV 54,903
San Francisco Dish 54,8234
Series 2 - 2nd Cycle:
Sunday 5:47PM PST DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
Monday 8:47PM and 2:47AM PST 1-08 Father's Day (actually Time Trouble)
Friday 10:30PM and 4:30AM PST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
Friday 11:30PM and 5:30AM PST KTEH Interview With Terry Nation
1 December 10:45PM, 5 December 11:45PM PST DWC ""
5 December 11PM PST "episode unknown"
KTEH has the right to air Series 1 for one more cycle before February 28, 2009.