This Week in USA

The Eleventh Hour
Last updated 13 March 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 23rd February 2013
11:00pm MST (06:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Caitlin Blackwood
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
11:00pm MST (06:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Caitlin Blackwood
The 11th Doctor Who (Matt Smith), still wearing the remains of the 10th Doctor's suit, pulls himself out of the wreckage of the TARDIS to come face-to-face with young Scottish girl Amy Pond (Karen Gillian). Amy's bedroom lies athwart a crack in the universe and the new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the whole world.
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: Idaho Public Television