This Week in USA

The Next Doctor
Last updated 12 March 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 14th August 2010
11:00pm-12:00am MDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: David Tennant, Dervla Kirwan, David Morrissey, Velile Tshabalala
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
11:00pm-12:00am MDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: David Tennant, Dervla Kirwan, David Morrissey, Velile Tshabalala
Cybermen stalk the snow of Victorian London on Christmas Eve in 1851. As the Doctor investigates a spate of mysterious deaths, he meets another Doctor, traveling with his own sonic screwdriver and cockney assistant. The two combine forces to attempt to stop the rise of the CyberKing in this adventure.
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: Idaho Public Television
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Sunday 8th August 2010:
Idaho Public TV
The 2009 Specials - 1st Cycle/2nd Cycle:
7 August 11PM, 11 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-04 The End Of Time, Part Two
14 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2008-Xmas The Next Doctor
21 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-01 Planet of the Dead
28 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-02 The Waters of Mars
4 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-03 The End Of Time, Part One
18 September 10:59PM MDT/PDT 2006-Xmas The Runaway Bride
25 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-01 Smith and Jones
2 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code
9 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-03 Gridlock
16 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
23 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
30 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-06 The Lazarus Experiment
Idaho Public TV has aired Series 2008 two times.
Idaho Public TV
The 2009 Specials - 1st Cycle/2nd Cycle:
7 August 11PM, 11 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-04 The End Of Time, Part Two

14 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2008-Xmas The Next Doctor
21 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-01 Planet of the Dead
28 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-02 The Waters of Mars
4 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2009-03 The End Of Time, Part One
18 September 10:59PM MDT/PDT 2006-Xmas The Runaway Bride
25 September 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-01 Smith and Jones
2 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code
9 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-03 Gridlock
16 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
23 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
30 October 11PM MDT/PDT 2007-06 The Lazarus Experiment
Idaho Public TV has aired Series 2008 two times.