This Week in USA

Last updated 13 January 2025
11:45pm-12:00am MST (06:45 GMT) < > « »

Idaho Public Television

Featuring: Russell T Davies, Graeme Harper, Anthony Head, Gareth Roberts, David Tennant, Fenella Woolgar
This episode goes behind the scenes of The Unicorn and the Wasp
The Doctor and Donna travel back to the 1920s and enjoy an unexpected encounter with Agatha Christie. All is well until the party reveals an unwanted guest with a sting in its tail. We find out exactly what goes into creating a classic murder mystery, what it's like behind the scenes with such a big ensemble cast and discover the mysterious events surrounding the real Agatha Christie. Features interviews with David Tennant and Fenella Woolgar.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 6th February 2010:
Idaho Public TV 4.1, 10.1, 13.1, 26.1
Boise DirecTV 4
Boise Dish 4,7141
Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746
Twin Falls Dish 13,8807
Spokane, WA DirecTV 26
Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178
Series 30 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM MST/PST 30-06 The Doctor's Daughter
Saturday 11:47PM MST/PST DWC 4-06 Sins Of The Father
13 February 11PM MST/PST 30-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
13 February 11:45PM MST/PST DWC 4-07 Nemesis
20 February 11PM MST/PST 30-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2
20 February 11:45PM MST/PST DWC 4-08 Shadow Play
27 February 11PM MST/PST 30-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
6 March 11:15PM MST/PST 30-10 Midnight
13 March 11PM MST/PST 30-11 Turn Left
20 March 11PM MDT/PDT 30-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
27 March 10:56PM MDT/PDT 30-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (63 minutes)
Idaho Public TV has the right to air Series 28 one more time before March 31, 2010. They are also in the middle of their 3rd Cycle of Series 29 - end date for Series 29 rights unknown.
Idaho Public TV 4.1, 10.1, 13.1, 26.1
Boise DirecTV 4
Boise Dish 4,7141
Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746
Twin Falls Dish 13,8807
Spokane, WA DirecTV 26
Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178
Series 30 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM MST/PST 30-06 The Doctor's Daughter

Saturday 11:47PM MST/PST DWC 4-06 Sins Of The Father

13 February 11PM MST/PST 30-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
13 February 11:45PM MST/PST DWC 4-07 Nemesis
20 February 11PM MST/PST 30-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2
20 February 11:45PM MST/PST DWC 4-08 Shadow Play
27 February 11PM MST/PST 30-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
6 March 11:15PM MST/PST 30-10 Midnight
13 March 11PM MST/PST 30-11 Turn Left
20 March 11PM MDT/PDT 30-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
27 March 10:56PM MDT/PDT 30-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (63 minutes)
Idaho Public TV has the right to air Series 28 one more time before March 31, 2010. They are also in the middle of their 3rd Cycle of Series 29 - end date for Series 29 rights unknown.