This Week in USA

The Lazarus Experiment
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm-11:45pm CDT (04:00 GMT) < > « »


Featuring: David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, Thelma Barlow, Mark Gatiss
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 18th April 2009:
WTVP-DT 47.1 Peoria, IL
Peoria DirecTV 47 DirecTVHD 47
Peoria Dish 47,7756
Series 3 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM CDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment
25 April pre-empted by Auction
2 May 11PM CDT 3-07 42
WTVP has the right to air Series 2 two more times before March 31, 2010.
WTVP-DT 47.1 Peoria, IL
Peoria DirecTV 47 DirecTVHD 47
Peoria Dish 47,7756
Series 3 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM CDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment

25 April pre-empted by Auction
2 May 11PM CDT 3-07 42
WTVP has the right to air Series 2 two more times before March 31, 2010.