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See broadcasts for WLIW 21The Last Battle

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Last Battle
Broadcast: Saturday 21st July 2007
12:55am-1:10am EDT (04:55 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Simon Pegg, John Barrowman, Andrew Collins, Russell T Davies, Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Helen Raynor

This episode goes behind the scenes of The Parting of the Ways

Simon Pegg narrates a behind-the-scenes look at the new series of Doctor Who, following the production team, writers and cast as they bring the Time Lord back to the screen. As the series reaches its dramatic conclusion, will the doctor survive the final battle of the great time war? As a fitting tribute, the programme relives the highs and lows of his time with Rose, and sees Christopher Eccleston take his final bow.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 14th July 2007:
WLIW Long Island, NY
analog 21 digital .1
New York City DirecTV 21,887
New York City Dish 21,8112
Wednesday 10PM, Late Friday 12:10AM EDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 Premiere
Wednesday 10:45PM, Late Friday 12:55AM EDT DWC 1-13 The Last Battle Premiere
(end of first cycle - WLIW rests show after this point)