This Week in USA

School Reunion
Last updated 13 January 2025
9:30pm CST (03:30 GMT) < > « »
Ozarks Public Television

Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Elisabeth Sladen, Anthony Head, John Leeson
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 16th January 2010:
Ozark Public TV 21.1, 26.1 Springfield/Joplin, MO
Springfield DirecTV 21 DirecTVHD 21
Springfield Dish 21,7226
Joplin Dish 26,7873
Series 2 - 5th Cycle?:
Saturday 9:30PM CST 2-03 School Reunion
23 January 9:30PM CST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
30 January 9:30PM CST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
Ozark still hasn't aired Series 3, but since the show's back on the air we can always hope.
Ozark Public TV 21.1, 26.1 Springfield/Joplin, MO
Springfield DirecTV 21 DirecTVHD 21
Springfield Dish 21,7226
Joplin Dish 26,7873
Series 2 - 5th Cycle?:
Saturday 9:30PM CST 2-03 School Reunion
23 January 9:30PM CST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
30 January 9:30PM CST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
Ozark still hasn't aired Series 3, but since the show's back on the air we can always hope.