This Week in USA

Friends Reunited
Last updated 13 January 2025
12:45am-1:00am CDT (05:45 GMT) < > « »


Featuring: Noel Clarke, Russell T Davies, Mark Gatiss, James Hawes, Anthony Head, Elisabeth Sladen, David Tennant
This episode goes behind the scenes of School Reunion
Behind-the-scenes look at Doctor Who. The return of two Doctor Who favourites - Sarah Jane Smith and K9. Featuring interviews with David Tennant, Anthony Head and Elisabeth Sladen.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 24th May 2008:
KERA Dallas, TX
analog 13 digital .1
Dallas DirecTV 13,889
Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406
Tyler Dish 13,8886
Dallas DirecTV HD in 2008?
Series 2 - 1st Cycle:
Late Saturday Midnight CDT 2-03 School Reunion
Late Saturday 12:45AM CDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
Late 31 May pre-empted by pledge programming
KERA has the right to air Series 1 for 2 more cycles before February 28, 2009.
KERA Dallas, TX
analog 13 digital .1
Dallas DirecTV 13,889
Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406
Tyler Dish 13,8886
Dallas DirecTV HD in 2008?
Series 2 - 1st Cycle:
Late Saturday Midnight CDT 2-03 School Reunion

Late Saturday 12:45AM CDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited

Late 31 May pre-empted by pledge programming
KERA has the right to air Series 1 for 2 more cycles before February 28, 2009.