This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in USA

See broadcasts for WGVU MichiganNew Earth

Last updated 13 January 2025
New Earth
Broadcast: Saturday 27th September 2008
5:00pm-5:45pm EDT (21:00 GMT) < > « »
WGVU Michigan
Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Sean Gallagher, Zoƫ Wanamaker
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 27th September 2008:
WGVU/WGVK Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI
analog 35,52 digital .1
Grand Rapids, MI DirecTV 35
Grand Rapids, MI Dish 35,8716
Series 2 - 2nd Cycle:
Saturday 5PM EDT 2-01 New Earth
Saturday 5:45PM EDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor
Thursday 11PM,
4 October 5PM EDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
Thursday 11:45PM,
4 October 5:45PM EDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor
9 October 11PM, 11 October 5PM EDT 2-03 School Reunion
9 October 11:45PM, 11 October 5:45PM EDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
16 October 11PM, 18 October 5PM EDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
16 October 11:45PM, 18 October 5:45PM EDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen
23 October 11PM, 25 October 5PM EDT 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
23 October 11:45PM, 25 October 5:45PM EDT DWC 2-05 Cybermen
30 October 11PM EDT 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2
30 October 11:45PM EDT DWC 2-06 From Zero to Hero

WGVU/WGVK has the right to air Series 1 two more times before February 28, 2009.