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See broadcasts for SyFyThe Girl in the Fireplace

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Girl in the Fireplace
Broadcast: Friday 11th April 2008
11:00am-12:00pm EDT (15:00 GMT) < > « »
SyFy - East Coast Feed (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Sophia Myles
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 5th April 2008:
DirecTV 244 DirecTVHD 244 Dish 122 16:9 Letterbox.
Series 3 - regular repeat run. Series 1 and 2 - sporadic repeats in Daytime Rotation.
Early Friday 5AM EDT/PDT 3-02 The Shakespeare Code
Friday 8AM EDT/PDT 2-01 New Earth
Friday 9AM EDT/PDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
*Friday 10AM EDT/PDT 2-03 School Reunion (backstory for The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Friday 11AM EDT/PDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
Friday Noon EDT/PDT 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
Friday 1PM EDT/PDT 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2
Friday 2PM EDT/PDT 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern
Friday 3PM EDT/PDT 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2
*Friday 7:30PM and 11PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 1. Invasion of the Bane (premiere, 90 minutes)
Early 18 April 5AM EDT/PDT 3-03 Gridlock
18 April 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 2a. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
*18 April 8:30PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (4th Series Premiere, 90 minutes)
Early 25 April 5AM EDT/PDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
25 April 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 2b. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 2 of 2 (30 minute episode)
25 April 8:30PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 3a. Eye of the Gorgon pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
25 April 9PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-01 Partners in Crime
28 April 8AM EDT/PDT 1-08 Father's Day
28 April 9AM EDT/PDT 1-11 Boom Town
28 April 10AM EDT/PDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
28 April 11AM EDT/PDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
28 April Noon EDT/PDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
28 April 1PM EDT/PDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
28 April 2PM EDT/PDT 1-06 Dalek
28 April 3PM EDT/PDT 1-07 The Long Game
Early 2 May 5AM EDT/PDT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
2 May 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 3b. Eye of the Gorgon pt 2 of 2 (30 minute episode)
2 May 8:30PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 4a. Warriors of Kudlak pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
2 May 9PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii
Early 9 May 5AM EDT/PDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment
9 May 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 4b. Warriors of Kudlak pt 2 of 2 (30 minute episode)
9 May 8:30PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 5a. Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
9 May 9PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-03 Planet of the Ood
Early 16 May 5AM EDT/PDT 3-07 42
16 May 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 5b. Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? pt 2 of 2 (30 minute episode)
16 May 8:30PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 6a. The Lost Boy pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
16 May 9PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-04 The Sontaran Strategem pt 1 of 2 (30 minute episode)
Early 23 May 5AM EDT/PDT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2
23 May pre-empted by Memorial Day movie weekend
Early 30 May 5AM EDT/PDT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2
30 May 8PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures 6b. The Lost Boy pt 2 of 2 (30 minute episode)
30 May 8:30PM EDT/PDT Sarah Jane Adventures repeat
30 May 9PM and 11PM EDT/PDT 4-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2
6 June 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter
13 June 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
20 June 4-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2
27 June 4-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
4 July pre-empted by Twilight Zone marathon
11 July 4-10 Midnight
18 July 4-11 Turn Left
25 July 4-12 pt 1 of 2
1 August 4-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2