This Week in USA

The Mind Robber: Episode 5
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:25pm-11:50pm EDT (03:25 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Emrys Jones
The Doctor engages in a battle with the Master, both summoning characters from fiction to fight each other. If the Doctor loses, he will be trapped in the Land of Fiction forever.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 16th June 2004:
WCET Cincinnati, OH
analog 48
digital 48-2 (34-2)
Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909
Cincinnati Dish 48,8356
Saturday 11PM EDT The Mind Robber eps 4+5 of 5
Series 6, Episodes 9 through 10. Doctor: Pat Troughton. "You can't rewrite history, not one line!" Unless you're in the land of fiction and everything that happens is a product of your writing. Then maybe. Two of the weirdest episodes in the show's history.
WCET Cincinnati, OH
analog 48
digital 48-2 (34-2)
Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909
Cincinnati Dish 48,8356
Saturday 11PM EDT The Mind Robber eps 4+5 of 5
Series 6, Episodes 9 through 10. Doctor: Pat Troughton. "You can't rewrite history, not one line!" Unless you're in the land of fiction and everything that happens is a product of your writing. Then maybe. Two of the weirdest episodes in the show's history.