This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for WTTW 11 ChicagoThe Stolen Earth

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Stolen Earth
Broadcast: Sunday 24th October 2010
12:00am-12:46am CDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
WTTW 11 Chicago
Featuring: David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, John Barrowman, Bernard Cribbins, Billie Piper, Elisabeth Sladen, Catherine Tate, Julian Bleach
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 16th October 2010:
WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL
Also a cable only station for the Rockford, IL market
Series 2008 - 1st Cycle:
Late 16 October Midnight CDT 2008-11 Turn Left
Late 16 October 12:50AM CDT DWC 411 Here Come the Girls
17 October 10PM, Late 23 October Midnight CDT 2008-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
17 October 10:46PM, Late 23 October 12:46AM CDT DWC 412 Friends and Foe
24 October 10PM, Late 30 October Midnight CDT 2008-13 Journey's End pt 1 of 2 (65 minutes)
24 October 11:05PM, Late 30 October 1:05AM CDT DWC 413 End Of An Era (25 minutes)
31 October 10PM CDT 2007-Xmas Voyage of the Damned (73 minutes, start of Series 2008 2nd Cycle)