This Week in USA

River Runs Deep
Last updated 13 January 2025
10:45pm CDT (03:45 GMT) < > « »

WTTW 11 Chicago

Featuring: Phil Collinson, Russell T Davies, Anthony Head, Alex Kingston, Euros Lyn, Steven Moffat, Colin Salmon, Catherine Tate, David Tennant
This episode goes behind the scenes of Forest of the Dead
Alex Kingston talks about her role as time-travelling archaeologist River Song, the sinister world of the library is explored and there's a feature on the mysterious Dr Moon and Donna's adventures away from the Doctor. Writer Russell T Davies discusses the programme's mythology and renewed success.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
TWiDW doesn't cover this period, so it isn't clear if this episode was on this week rather than the week before. The next known episode is a Look Who's Talking repeat on 9th October, and the repeat of Nemesis early on the 8th September suggesting 12th Septemer was pre-empted.
Broadcast Source: TWiDW