This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in USA

See broadcasts for WTTW 11 ChicagoFinale

Last updated 13 January 2025
Broadcast: Sunday 26th July 2009
11:46pm CDT (04:46 GMT) < > « »
WTTW 11 Chicago
Featuring: Phil Collinson, Russell T Davies, Mark Gatiss, Graeme Harper, Billie Piper, David Tennant

This episode goes behind the scenes of Doomsday

Going behind the scenes of Doctor Who. Wrapping up the series with a look back, as Rose and the Doctor have been pitted against the best and the worst the universe has to offer - from Clockwork Droids to Krillitanes and from Werewolves to the Wire.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Sunday 26th July 2009:
WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL
Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11
Chicago Dish 11,8496
Rockford, IL - cable station only
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle/Series 3 - 1st Cycle::
Sunday 11PM, Late Friday 3AM CDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
Sunday 11:46PM, Late Friday 3:46AM CDT DWC 2-13 Finale

Sunday 2 August 10PM, Late 8 August Midnight CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride
(Series 3 Begins, new time slots)
9 August 10PM CDT 3-01 Smith and Jones
9 August 10:45PM CDT DWC 3-01 Meet Martha Jones

ยป it was later reported that the third series of Doctor Who Confidential was not shown in the end.