This Week in United Kingdom
Last updated 06 February 2017
Broadcast: Monday 23rd January 2017
11:35pm-12:15am GMT < > « » < > « »
(actually broadcast at 23:33:00)
BBC One - Not Northern Ireland
Featuring: Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins, Katherine Kelly, Vivian Oparah, Jordan Renzo
Synopsis Source: BBC website schedule listing
11:35pm-12:15am GMT < > « » < > « »
(actually broadcast at 23:33:00)
BBC One - Not Northern Ireland
Featuring: Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins, Katherine Kelly, Vivian Oparah, Jordan Renzo
Trapped in detention, dark truths emerge and fractures form in the friendship group.
Synopsis Source: BBC website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: BBC
Ratings Information:
Initial figures: 0.207m viewers (overnight), 3.5% audience share
Consolidated figures: 0.290m viewers (+7 days), 4.4% audience share, AI 79