This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for Big Finish ReleaseInsurgency

Last updated 04 January 2017
Released: Saturday 30th July 2005
9:00pm BST (20:00 GMT) < > « » Premiere < > « »
Big Finish Release
Featuring: Louise Jameson, John Leeson, Lalla Ward, Lynda Bellingham

They are the brightest minds of their generation; the architects of tomorrow. And now, they have the chance to attend the finest, most exclusive school known to the temporal powers. After millennia of secrecy, the Gallifreyan Academy has opened its doors to off-worlders…
But the experiment is failing. As interracial violence erupts in the corridors of learning, somebody is using the students as pawns in a political power game - and, while Tutor Leela struggles to unravel the motives of her ex-husband, Andred, President Romana may be falling under an ancient spell.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Released Source: Big Finish