This Week in Canada

Four To Doomsday: Part Four
Last updated 13 January 2025
4:00am-4:30am EDT (08:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids

Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Stratford Johns, Annie Lambert, Philip Locke, Paul Shelley
The Doctor takes a dangerous spacewalk to rescue Tegan while Nyssa and Bigon keep the Urbankans distracted. Adric decides exactly whose side he is on
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 5th May 2004:
BBC Kids
7 Days A Week 1 + 3:30AM EST (10PM + 12:30AM PST) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends) (EDT and PDT from Sunday)
Wednesday The Caves of Androzani pts 3+4 of 4
Series 21, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison. End of the 5th Doctor's era. Dying of spectrox, the Doctor and Peri try to escape the fury of Morgus, the lunacy of the troops, the cold death of the androids, the tortured love of Sharaz Jek, and the ever- present lethal mud bursts.
Thursday Castrovalva pts 1+2 of 4
Friday Castrovalva pts 3+4 of 4
Series 19, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison. The new 5th Doctor suffers from regeneration trauma. The TARDIS Index File tells of a world called Castrovalva where Time Lords can recuperate. A paradise ... of death.
Saturday Black Orchid all 2 pts
Series 19, Episodes 17 through 18. Doctor: Peter Davison. A murderer gets loose at the Cranleigh manor, spoiling a perfectly nice dinner party the 5th Doctor and company are attending.
Sun Timeflight all 4 pts
Series 19, Episodes 23 through 26. Doctor: Peter Davison. Stunned by the events in Earthshock (which was unavailable to BBC Kids), the TARDIS crew finally makes it to Heathrow Airport. To save the world, they must fly the friendly skies - to 400 Million Years BC.
Monday Four To Doomsday pts 1+2 of 4
Tuesday Four To Doomsday pts 3+4 of 4
Series 19, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison. The froglike crew of a spaceship headed for Earth promise to bring peace and knowledge. Unfortunately, aliens promising this are usually planning to conquer the place, probably wiping out all humanity. Can these aliens be different - break the cycle of terror?
BBC Kids
7 Days A Week 1 + 3:30AM EST (10PM + 12:30AM PST) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends) (EDT and PDT from Sunday)
Wednesday The Caves of Androzani pts 3+4 of 4
Series 21, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison. End of the 5th Doctor's era. Dying of spectrox, the Doctor and Peri try to escape the fury of Morgus, the lunacy of the troops, the cold death of the androids, the tortured love of Sharaz Jek, and the ever- present lethal mud bursts.
Thursday Castrovalva pts 1+2 of 4
Friday Castrovalva pts 3+4 of 4
Series 19, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison. The new 5th Doctor suffers from regeneration trauma. The TARDIS Index File tells of a world called Castrovalva where Time Lords can recuperate. A paradise ... of death.
Saturday Black Orchid all 2 pts
Series 19, Episodes 17 through 18. Doctor: Peter Davison. A murderer gets loose at the Cranleigh manor, spoiling a perfectly nice dinner party the 5th Doctor and company are attending.
Sun Timeflight all 4 pts
Series 19, Episodes 23 through 26. Doctor: Peter Davison. Stunned by the events in Earthshock (which was unavailable to BBC Kids), the TARDIS crew finally makes it to Heathrow Airport. To save the world, they must fly the friendly skies - to 400 Million Years BC.
Monday Four To Doomsday pts 1+2 of 4
Tuesday Four To Doomsday pts 3+4 of 4
Series 19, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison. The froglike crew of a spaceship headed for Earth promise to bring peace and knowledge. Unfortunately, aliens promising this are usually planning to conquer the place, probably wiping out all humanity. Can these aliens be different - break the cycle of terror?