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See broadcasts for BBC KidsFour To Doomsday: Part Two

Last updated 13 January 2025
Four To Doomsday: Part Two
Broadcast: Monday 26th April 2004
4:00am-4:30am EDT (08:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids
Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Stratford Johns, Annie Lambert, Philip Locke, Paul Shelley

As the Doctor meets the representatives of humanity aboard the Urbankan ship, a Grecian philosopher reveals a bizarre secret about Monarch and his methods

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 21st April 2004:
BBC Kids
7 Days A Week 1 + 3:30AM EST (10PM + 12:30AM PST) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends) (EDT and PDT from Sunday)
Wednesday Enlightenment pts 3+4 of 4
Series 20, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Thursday The King's Demons both pts
Series 20, Episodes 21 through 22. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Friday Warriors of the Deep pts 1+2 of 4
Series 21, Episodes 1 through 2. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Saturday Castrovalva all 4 pts
Series 19, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Sun Four To Doomsday all 4 pts
Series 19, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Monday Warriors of the Deep pts 3+4 of 4
Series 21, Episodes 3 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Tuesday The Awakening both pts
Series 21, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Peter Davison.