This Week in USA

The Unquiet Dead
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm-11:45pm EDT (03:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Simon Callow, Alan David, Eve Myles
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 6th October 2007:
New Hampshire Public TV
analog 11,49,52 digital .2
Boston, MA DirecTV 11,955
Boston, MA Dish 11,8781
Burlington, VT DirecTV 49
Burlington, VT Dish 11,8944
Saturday 11PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
Saturday 11:45PM EDT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales
20 October 11PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
20 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You
27 October 11:43PM EDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
27 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?
New Hampshire Public TV
analog 11,49,52 digital .2
Boston, MA DirecTV 11,955
Boston, MA Dish 11,8781
Burlington, VT DirecTV 49
Burlington, VT Dish 11,8944
Saturday 11PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
Saturday 11:45PM EDT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales
20 October 11PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
20 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You
27 October 11:43PM EDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
27 October 11:47PM EDT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth?