This Week in USA

The Brain of Morbius: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm-11:30pm EDT (03:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Cynthia Grenville, Philip Madoc
The Doctor is a prisoner of the Sisterhood of Karn who intend to burn him at the stake. Sarah hurries to the Doctor's rescue but pays the price for her efforts.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 16th June 2004:
NHPTV New Hampshire
analog 11, 49, 52
digital 11-2 (57-2), 49-2 (48-2), 52-2 (49-2)
Boston DirecTV 11,955
Boston Dish 11,8781
Saturday 11PM EDT The Brain of Morbius pt 2 of 4
Series 13, Episode 18. Doctor: Tom Baker. The Sisterhood of Karn have a cunning plan to keep the 4th Doctor's head from being used to complete Morbius' body - burn the Doctor to death. An effective plan, though the Doctor might raise an objection.
NHPTV New Hampshire
analog 11, 49, 52
digital 11-2 (57-2), 49-2 (48-2), 52-2 (49-2)
Boston DirecTV 11,955
Boston Dish 11,8781
Saturday 11PM EDT The Brain of Morbius pt 2 of 4
Series 13, Episode 18. Doctor: Tom Baker. The Sisterhood of Karn have a cunning plan to keep the 4th Doctor's head from being used to complete Morbius' body - burn the Doctor to death. An effective plan, though the Doctor might raise an objection.