This Week in USA

American Who
Last updated 02 January 2017
2:00am EDT (06:00 GMT) < > « »

Interstellar Transmissions - Online

Paul Cornell gives Joey Reynolds 20 minutes and discusses some details of the upcoming 9th Doctor story on BBCi this November. Also, Charles Martin tries to clarify and calm the fears involved when new chapters in one's favorite saga comes along. Remember when we heard about new Star Wars films and new Star Trek shows? The future of Doctor Who on the next American Who.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 16th July 2003:
American Who
This Week - Paul Cornell gives Joey Reynolds 20 minutes and discusses some details of the upcoming 9th Doctor story on BBCi this November. Also, Charles Martin tries to clarify and calm the fears involved when new chapters in one's favorite saga comes along. Remember when we heard about new Star Wars films and new Star Trek shows? The future of Doctor Who on the next American Who. - Arnold T. Blumberg
An interview with Arnold T. Blumberg, co-author of Howe's Transcendental Toybox, a guide to Doctor Who merchandise over the decades.
American Who
This Week - Paul Cornell gives Joey Reynolds 20 minutes and discusses some details of the upcoming 9th Doctor story on BBCi this November. Also, Charles Martin tries to clarify and calm the fears involved when new chapters in one's favorite saga comes along. Remember when we heard about new Star Wars films and new Star Trek shows? The future of Doctor Who on the next American Who. - Arnold T. Blumberg
An interview with Arnold T. Blumberg, co-author of Howe's Transcendental Toybox, a guide to Doctor Who merchandise over the decades.