This Week in USA

The Curse of Peladon: Episode Three
Last updated 13 January 2025
12:30am-1:00am MDT (06:30 GMT) < > « »
Colorado Public Television

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Geoffrey Toone, David Troughton
The Doctor is sentenced to a fight to the death in the pit with the King's champion, Grun. But the saboteur and killer is still at large.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 16th June 2004:
KBDI Denver, CO
analog 12
digital 12-1 (38-1)
Denver DirecTV 12,910
Denver Dish 12,8211
Late Friday 12:30AM MDT The Curse of Peladon eps 3+4 of 4
Series 9, Episodes 7 through 8. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. See MPT for details.
Saturday 11PM MDT The Sea Devils eps 1+2 of 6
Series 9, Episodes 9 through 10. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Visiting the Master in prison, the 3rd Doctor and Jo find themselves caught up in the mysterious disappearance of oil rigs.
KBDI Denver, CO
analog 12
digital 12-1 (38-1)
Denver DirecTV 12,910
Denver Dish 12,8211
Late Friday 12:30AM MDT The Curse of Peladon eps 3+4 of 4
Series 9, Episodes 7 through 8. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. See MPT for details.
Saturday 11PM MDT The Sea Devils eps 1+2 of 6
Series 9, Episodes 9 through 10. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Visiting the Master in prison, the 3rd Doctor and Jo find themselves caught up in the mysterious disappearance of oil rigs.