This Week in USA

American Who
Last updated 02 January 2017
2:00am EDT (06:00 GMT) < > « »

Interstellar Transmissions - Online

The latest episode of Joey Reynolds' Doctor Who show, with news and Who related interviews. The Charles Martin interview concerns growing up as a UK Doctor Who fan, and then being a fan in the US.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Thursday 22nd May 2003:
American Who - Wendy Padbury from 1999 and Charles Martin in a new episode - MP3 format
The latest episode of Joey Reynolds' Doctor Who show, with news and Who related interviews. The Charles Martin interview concerns growing up as a UK Doctor Who fan, and then being a fan in the US.
American Who - Wendy Padbury from 1999 and Charles Martin in a new episode - MP3 format
The latest episode of Joey Reynolds' Doctor Who show, with news and Who related interviews. The Charles Martin interview concerns growing up as a UK Doctor Who fan, and then being a fan in the US.