This Week in USA

Timelash: Part Four (4 part version)
Last updated 13 January 2025
1:00am-1:30am EST (06:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, David Chandler, Paul Darrow
The Borad accepts no opposition and enables Maylin Tekker to expose the rebels and trap Peri with the Morlox. The Doctor tries to avert a war between Karfel and the Bandrils.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 8th January 2003:
NHPTV New Hampshire
analog 11,49,52
digital 57,48,(49) - not on digital schedule yet
Late Thu Mid, Late Sat 12:30AM EST Timelash 4 pt version, pts 3+4
The Timelash is a vicious corridor that the Borad uses to dump political dissidents on Earth. Unfortunately for the Borad, it can also be used to make time devices that the 6th Doctor can use in a revolt. Time may be running out for the Borad, who may have to settle for a Peri-ic victory.
NHPTV New Hampshire
analog 11,49,52
digital 57,48,(49) - not on digital schedule yet
Late Thu Mid, Late Sat 12:30AM EST Timelash 4 pt version, pts 3+4
The Timelash is a vicious corridor that the Borad uses to dump political dissidents on Earth. Unfortunately for the Borad, it can also be used to make time devices that the 6th Doctor can use in a revolt. Time may be running out for the Borad, who may have to settle for a Peri-ic victory.