This Week in USA

Mawdryn Undead: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:40pm CST (05:40 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Peter Davison, Nicholas Courtney, Janet Fielding, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, David Collings, Valentine Dyall
At Brendon School, the Doctor enlists the help of the Brigadier. At Brendon School, Tegan enlists the help of the Brigadier. Same man, but different time periods...
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 15th December 2004:
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital 9 - not on air
Champaign DirecTV 12
Champaign Dish 12,7407
Saturday 11:40PM CST Mawdryn Undead pt 2 of 4
Series 20, Episode 10. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Turlough finds himself a pawn of the Black Guardian, who wants the Doctor dead. The 5th Doctor finds himself in 1983 while Nyssa and Tegan are in 1977, both working with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
25 December - Mawdryn Undead pt 3 (11:31PM)
1 January - Mawdryn Undead pt 4
8 January - Terminus pt 1
15 January - Terminus pt 2
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital 9 - not on air
Champaign DirecTV 12
Champaign Dish 12,7407
Saturday 11:40PM CST Mawdryn Undead pt 2 of 4
Series 20, Episode 10. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Turlough finds himself a pawn of the Black Guardian, who wants the Doctor dead. The 5th Doctor finds himself in 1983 while Nyssa and Tegan are in 1977, both working with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
25 December - Mawdryn Undead pt 3 (11:31PM)
1 January - Mawdryn Undead pt 4
8 January - Terminus pt 1
15 January - Terminus pt 2