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See broadcasts for WILLLogopolis: Part Four

Last updated 13 January 2025
Logopolis: Part Four
Broadcast: Saturday 27th March 2004
11:30pm CST (05:30 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Anthony Ainley, John Fraser

With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, the Doctor and the Master are forced to return to Earth and carry out their plan. But for the Fourth Doctor, it's the end�

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 24th March 2004:
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital 9 - not on air
Champaign Dish 12,7407
Saturday 11:30PM EST Logopolis pt 4 of 4
Series 18, Episode 28. Doctor: Tom Baker. The Doctor and the Master are forced to team up to save the universe from extinction as the CVEs close and galaxies dissolve. The final episode of the 4th Doctor ends dramatically, paving the way for the Peter Davison era, which starts next week on WILL.