This Week in USA

Meglos: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:40pm CDT (04:40 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Lalla Ward, Bill Fraser, Jacqueline Hill
Masquerading as the Doctor, Meglos penetrates the underground city of Tigella. The Doctor and Romana are trapped in an ever repeating circle of time and seem powerless to act.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 1st October 2003:
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital 9 - not on air
Sat 11:40PM CDT Meglos pt 2 of 4
Can the 4th Doctor and Romana escape the Chronic Hysteresis? Can the 4th Doctor and Romana escape the Chronic Hysteresis?
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital 9 - not on air
Sat 11:40PM CDT Meglos pt 2 of 4
Can the 4th Doctor and Romana escape the Chronic Hysteresis? Can the 4th Doctor and Romana escape the Chronic Hysteresis?