This Week in USA

The Armageddon Factor: Part One
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:40pm CST (05:40 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Mary Tamm, Lalla Ward, John Woodvine
Looking for the final segment of the Key to Time, the Doctor and Romana arrive on the planet Atrios which is in a major nuclear war with the neighbouring world of Zeos.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 19th March 2003:
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital (33) - under construction
Sat 11:40PM CST The Armageddon Factor pt 1 of 6
The 4th Doctor, Romana, and K9 arrive on a radioactive world in search of the 6th segment of the Key To Time. There's a war going on, which could make the search harder. Plus - the Doctor's not the only one in search of the Key.
WILL Urbana, IL
analog 12
digital (33) - under construction
Sat 11:40PM CST The Armageddon Factor pt 1 of 6
The 4th Doctor, Romana, and K9 arrive on a radioactive world in search of the 6th segment of the Key To Time. There's a war going on, which could make the search harder. Plus - the Doctor's not the only one in search of the Key.