This Week in USA

The Happiness Patrol: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:30pm-12:00am MDT (05:30 GMT) < > « »
Colorado Public Television

Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Lesley Dunlop, Ronald Fraser, Sheila Hancock, John Normington
The Doctor escapes the Kandyman while Ace meets the Pipe People. Later, fleeing for her life, she is captured and selected to audition for the Happiness Patrol.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Thursday 1st May 2003:
KBDI/K32EO Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
analog 12,32
digital (38) - under construction
Denver DirecTV Local 12,910
Denver Dish Local 8211,12
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT Time and the Rani pts 3+4 of 4
The Rani plans to use the great scientists of Human history to create a device to manipulate the course of History. Yes, I know a TARDIS can help you do that, but you know these Scientists. They always want to invent a way to do things faster and with less effort. Only the 7th Doctor and Mel stand in her way. The Lakertyans won't lift a finger to help themselves.
Sat 11PM MDT The Happiness Patrol pts 1+2 of 3
KBDI is skipping Remembrance of the Daleks. On a world where Happiness is the rule and sadness is lethal, the 7th Doctor and Ace arrive with a plan to bring frowns to peoples' faces.
KBDI/K32EO Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
analog 12,32
digital (38) - under construction
Denver DirecTV Local 12,910
Denver Dish Local 8211,12
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT Time and the Rani pts 3+4 of 4
The Rani plans to use the great scientists of Human history to create a device to manipulate the course of History. Yes, I know a TARDIS can help you do that, but you know these Scientists. They always want to invent a way to do things faster and with less effort. Only the 7th Doctor and Mel stand in her way. The Lakertyans won't lift a finger to help themselves.
Sat 11PM MDT The Happiness Patrol pts 1+2 of 3
KBDI is skipping Remembrance of the Daleks. On a world where Happiness is the rule and sadness is lethal, the 7th Doctor and Ace arrive with a plan to bring frowns to peoples' faces.