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See broadcasts for NHPTVThe Caves of Androzani: Part Two

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Caves of Androzani: Part Two
Broadcast: Sunday 1st September 2002
12:30am-1:00am EDT (04:30 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Peter Davison, Nicola Bryant, Christopher Gable, Robert Glenister, John Normington, Maurice Roƫves

Military captive Salateen tells Peri and the Doctor they are dying from spectrox toxaemia. The only cure is the milk of the queen bat who sleeps deep below the caverns.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 28th August 2002:
NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Late Thu + Sat Mid EDT The Caves of Androzani pts 1+2 of 4
The 5th Doctor and Peri stumble into the middle of a war. Sharaz Jek has taken control of Androzani Minor and its spectrox mines. The forces from Androzani Major are fighting to try to reclaim it. Gun runners are around. And, as usual, the Doctor wanders into exactly the wrong place at exactly the wrong time. But this time it feels different ...