This Week in USA

The Armageddon Factor: Part Four
Last updated 13 January 2025
12:30am MDT (06:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Mary Tamm, Lalla Ward, John Woodvine
With the Marshal poised to fire upon Zeos and the Mentalis computer on a countdown to destruction, the Doctor resorts to desperate measures to prevent a cataclysm.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 10th July 2002:
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
digital 42 DirecTV 7,982 Dish 8536,7
Sat 11PM, Late Sat 12:30AM MDT The Armageddon Factor pt 4 of 6
Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is ... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is extending. As it gets ... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is extending. As it gets longer, the Marshall may have time to press the button, in which case everyone is d .... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
digital 42 DirecTV 7,982 Dish 8536,7
Sat 11PM, Late Sat 12:30AM MDT The Armageddon Factor pt 4 of 6
Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is ... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is extending. As it gets ... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop, but the 4th Doctor and Romana have to hurry, because the Time Loop is extending. As it gets longer, the Marshall may have time to press the button, in which case everyone is d .... Atrios is caught in a Time Loop