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See broadcasts for Big Finish ReleaseBlood of the Daleks

Last updated 02 January 2017
Blood of the Daleks
Released: Wednesday 31st January 2007
9:00pm GMT < > « » Premiere < > « »
Big Finish Release
Featuring: Paul McGann, Sheridan Smith, Hayley Atwell, Nicholas Briggs, Kenneth Cranham, Anita Dobson

People of Red Rocket Rising, my fellow citizens. Our long night is over. I've been contacted by a benevolent people. They too have known great trials, but they have overcome them and made it their mission to help others do the same. They have offered us refuge, and passage to the nearest human worlds. They have the resources, and the patience and compassion, to evacuate every one of us. My fellow citizens, my friends, rescue is at hand!"
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Released Source: Big Finish