This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for KBTCBattlefield: Part Four

Last updated 13 January 2025
Battlefield: Part Four
Broadcast: Sunday 8th June 2003
1:00am-1:30am PDT (08:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Nicholas Courtney, Angela Bruce, Angela Douglas, Jean Marsh

The Brigadier slays the Destroyer while Morgaine takes control of UNIT's nuclear warhead and prepares to start a countdown that will destroy Earth forever.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Thursday 5th June 2003:
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
analog 28,15,65
digital 27-1,(19)
Seattle DirecTV Local 12,910
Seattle Dish Local 28,8620
Sat 6PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PDT Battlefield pts 3+4 of 4
Looks like KBTC aired the first half of Battlefield last week after all. The 7th Doctor, Ace, and the Brigadier must stop Morgaine and her followers from setting off a nuclear missile. The Arthurian legend as never seen before.
Sat 7-10PM PDT The Three Doctors all 4 eps
Pledge special. A mysterious force operating within a black hole attacks the 3rd Doctor and endangers the Time Lords' home planet. The solution - send the 2nd Doctor forward in time to meet himself and provide assistance. When that doesn't work either, it's time to send in the 1st Doctor. With three versions of the Doctor at work, it can only mean one thing. The universes are doomed.