This Week in USA

The Dalek Invasion of Earth: The Daleks
Last updated 13 January 2025
7:30pm-8:00pm PST (03:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, Jacqueline Hill, William Russell, Ann Davies, Peter Fraser, Alan Judd, Bernard Kay
The Daleks have conquered Earth. Susan and Barbara have joined the human resistance who launch an attack on the Dalek flying saucer where the Doctor and Ian are prisoners.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
Part of a pledge evening, timings approximate.
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 4th December 2002:
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
analog 28,15,65
digital (27),(19) - under construction
DirecTV 12,910 Dish 8620,28
Sat 6PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PST The Two Doctors 6 pt version, pts 1+2
See UK Gold for story details.
Sat 7PM PST The Dalek Invasion of Earth all 6 eps (World's End, The Daleks, Day Of Reckoning, The End Of Tomorrow, The Waking Ally, Flashpoint)
The 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan arrive on Earth in the mid-22nd Century. The Daleks have invaded, and humanity is in danger of extinction. The battle to save a world has begun. And when it finishes, not everybody will be leaving in the TARDIS.
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
analog 28,15,65
digital (27),(19) - under construction
DirecTV 12,910 Dish 8620,28
Sat 6PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PST The Two Doctors 6 pt version, pts 1+2
See UK Gold for story details.
Sat 7PM PST The Dalek Invasion of Earth all 6 eps (World's End, The Daleks, Day Of Reckoning, The End Of Tomorrow, The Waking Ally, Flashpoint)
The 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan arrive on Earth in the mid-22nd Century. The Daleks have invaded, and humanity is in danger of extinction. The battle to save a world has begun. And when it finishes, not everybody will be leaving in the TARDIS.