This Week in Brazil
Terrores Noturnos
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 14th May 2016
12:40am-1:30am -03 (03:40 GMT) < > « »
Presented with Portuguese subtitles
SyFy (Brazil)
Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Daniel Mays, Jamie Oram
Synopsis Source: Syfy website schedule listings
12:40am-1:30am -03 (03:40 GMT) < > « »
Presented with Portuguese subtitles
SyFy (Brazil)
Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Daniel Mays, Jamie Oram
O Doutor recebe uma ligação de uma criança. Com medo de monstros, George pede ajuda ao Doutor.
Synopsis Source: Syfy website schedule listings
Broadcast Source: SyFy