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See broadcasts for TPTThe Keeper of Traken: Part Four

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Keeper of Traken: Part Four
Broadcast: Saturday 31st August 2002
11:30pm-11:55pm CDT (04:30 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Tom Baker, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Anthony Ainley, Anthony Ainley, Geoffrey Beevers

Melkur has become the new Keeper of Traken and begins to access the source manipulator. As the Doctor takes steps to stop him, he discovers the frightening truth about his enemy.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 28th August 2002:
TPT 2 St. Paul, MN
digital 16.5 (2.5) DirecTV 2,891 Dish 8576,2
Sat 11:30PM, Sun 5:30AM CDT The Keeper of Traken pt 4 of 4
Kassia becomes the new Keeper, with disastrous consequences. The 4th Doctor learns that the true villain of the piece is someone he has known a very long time. Tremas, Nyssa, and Adric try to keep things from getting worse.