This Week in USA

The Power of Kroll: Part Four
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm MDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Mary Tamm, Philip Madoc
With Kroll on the rampage, the Doctor and Romana are appalled to discover that Thawn intends to fire a rocket at the creature which will also kill the Swampies. Can the Doctor find the fifth segment in time to save the day?
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 12th June 2002:
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
digital 42 DirecTV 7/982 Dish 8536
Sat 11PM MDT The Power of Kroll pt 4 of 4?
Strange. I thought this episode aired last week. Time approximate due to pledge drives, and no overnight rerun.
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
digital 42 DirecTV 7/982 Dish 8536
Sat 11PM MDT The Power of Kroll pt 4 of 4?
Strange. I thought this episode aired last week. Time approximate due to pledge drives, and no overnight rerun.